Monday, October 28, 2013

100th Blog Post!

I've officially hit 100 blog posts!  It took 3 years to get here...but we made it!  As I was looking back over our blog, it really was fun to reread some of the posts and remember where we were at different parts of our life.  Here is a short history of our blog:

  • The name for our blog came from the song we danced our first dance to when we got married- Making Memories of Us by Keith Urban.
  • I started our blog in November 2010 to document the holidays.  I didn't really know much about blogging, but thought it would be a neat way to share our life with family members that didn't see pictures through Facebook.
  • In 2011, I picked up the blogging and wrote about our lives, much of which revolved around Eric and me both being in graduate school.  In August 2011, Eric graduated from UTMB and started working as a Physical Therapist.  I graduated from UHCL and started my job as an assistant principal.  Needless to say...that whirlwind made blogging go on the back burner.
  • In 2012, we started out the year with building our house and moving.  Our blog was very lonely for most of 2012...I only wrote 8 posts the whole year.  We spent May-December of 2012 going through fertility treatments and a miscarriage.  We haven't shared much about this on the blog because it was a very emotional and tiring time for us.  I have started a post many times about going through fertility treatments and our miscarriage, but have never been able to finish it.  While this was a very hard time, it brought Eric and I much closer as a couple and we now have the best gift ever...Madison!
  • Some things we missed documenting on the blog in 2012- our twin nephews being born, The Cottrell's new baby girl, our family cruise with my parents and grandparents and my trip to New York City to visit Katie.
  • In 2013, our blog has been full steam ahead!  We found out New Year's Eve 2012 that we were pregnant.  I secretly wrote blog posts for 13 weeks until we announced to the world on our 5 year anniversary in March, from Disney World, that we were pregnant!  I am so glad that I was able to document my pregnancy and the first weeks of Madison's life through our blog.  It has been a great way to share our life with others and also document the wonderful memories of this year. 

Below are some of the greatest memories from our blog so far:

Graduate Student of the Year

Teacher of the Year

Eric's UTMB Graduation

Top 10 of 2011

Aunt and Uncle Times 2

Welcoming 2013 With Open Arms

Start Spreading the News

First Ultrasound

Announcing our Pregnancy at Disney World 

It's a Girl! Gender Reveal Party

Twice a Week Doctor Visits- 32 Weeks

Madison's Birth Story Part 1

Madison's Birth Story Part 2

Madison's Birth Story Part 3

Here's to the next 100 blog posts being just as exciting as the first 100!

March 8, 2008

March 8, 2008

March 8, 2013- 5 year anniversary

Gender Reveal Party

September 6, 2013- Madison's Birthday

Newborn Pictures

Newborn Pictures

Newborn Pictures



  1. Congrats! I find it funny that we had the exact same wedding dress just different colors AND we danced to the same first dance song :-) Congrats on all of your blessings!

  2. Congrats! I find it funny that we had the exact same wedding dress just different colors AND we danced to the same first dance song :-) Congrats on all of your blessings!

  3. Congrats on you 100th blog post. Love the photos and what a great year with Madison being born!!! The pictures are so sweet.

  4. Yay for 100 posts!! You've had a wonderful and exciting few years!
