Wednesday, October 30, 2013



It is hard to believe that we are at the end of October! My favorite time of the year is October, November and December. After the long, hot summers in Texas, it is nice to look forward to cooler weather and the holidays. Never mind the fact that it is 80 degrees in Houston today...I'm definitely wearing jeans and a scarf. ;)

 As a teacher or anyone that works in education, October can often be a hard month. School is finally in full swing, the daunting task of the needs of your students for the upcoming year has set in and Thanksgiving is far away. Moral boosting and kind words are always needed in a school during the month of October. On the flip side, October is often exciting in a school because school is in full swing and you often know what the needs of your students are for that year. The community is in place and the classroom is a happy place to be.

This October has been different than any other October for me since I have been home on maternity leave. It is has been so wonderful to enjoy long days at home with Madison, running errands and being on a slower pace of life than I am used to. While the days are sometimes long, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I have had time to really reflect on my new normal, balancing being a mom & wife, and trying to make a plan for keeping a balance when I go back to work.

Eric and I were married 5 1/2 years before Madison was born. While we began our journey to have a baby much earlier, I wouldn't trade those years that it was just the 2 of us for anything. I took me a year to realize it, but I finally knew that we would get pregnant when we were supposed to and the timing was not in our control. Sure enough, the timing was right and we got pregnant in December.

Having Madison in September has been the greatest blessing ever. We have had so much fun going to the pumpkin patch, getting ready for Halloween and looking forward to spending time with family during the upcoming holidays. My love for October has grown tremendously this year thanks to my little pumpkin. Here's to many more beautiful October's with our sweet family!



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