Friday, March 7, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday friends!  It was an exciting week in our house because Madison celebrated her 6 month birthday! 
1. My girl is 6 months old!  We celebrated the big day on Thursday.  By celebrating...I mean she slept until 7:50, got to wear her fancy Ruffle Butts pants to school and moved to Stage 2 baby food for dinner.  It was a big day for Madison!

Here are the links to her monthly birthday posts:

 2. Last weekend we took some picture of Madison in the back yard.  I am so happy with the way the pictures turned out!  In most of the pictures it looks like she is sweetly looking off into the sunset.  In reality, she was watching Eric cook hamburgers and any time he walked somewhere, she followed him.

3. Tomorrow is the beginning of Spring Break!  Madison and I are looking forward to a week of playing, sleeping in and spending time in our pajamas while watching the Today Show.  My aunt and uncle are coming in town today from Dallas.  We are looking forward to spending time with them and my grandparents for the first part of the week.

Usually the time from January to March seems to go by slow, but this year it has flown by!  I can't believe that I have already been back at work for 11 weeks since maternity leave, close to the amount of time I was home with Madison.  I am sure the rest of the school year will fly by also.  Even though March-June is stressful with state testing, it is a fun time of year at an elementary school. 

4.  Last Friday was Mardi Gras day at Madison's school.  Of course she had to participate in style!  I bought a plain purple onesie and hot glued Mardi Gras beads to the neck.  She looked adorable and was apparently the talk of the school!  When Eric picked her up that afternoon, the teachers said people kept coming by to see her because people were talking about her cute outfit.  I think she looked adorable, but I'm pretty partial to her.

5. Tomorrow, Eric and I will be celebrating our 6 year anniversary!  We are planning to go to dinner on Sunday while my family watches Madison.  We haven't been to dinner just the two of us since November, so we are excited to go to dinner and see what else we decide to do.  Last year, we celebrated our 5th anniversary in Disney World with Eric's family.  This was also the day we announced that we were pregnant by taking a picture in front of Cinderella's's not official until it's Facebook official! ;)  I was 13 weeks pregnant the day we got to Disney and felt amazing the entire trip.  It is hard to believe that the little bean in my belly is now Madison!


  1. Your little girl is just precious!! 6 months old!!! It goes by so fast...I have three! Love the pics of you girl
    Happy Friday.

  2. Visiting from the linkup! Madison is ADORABLE! Happy spring break to you :)
