Friday, March 14, 2014

{Five on Friday: Spring Break}

Happy Friday friends! I have been home this week for Spring Break and have loved every minute of it! It is amazing how quickly I have forgotten what it is like to be home with Madison and how busy the days can be. This Five on Friday is all about our Spring Break adventures!

1. We spent time with my family, celebrating birthdays and our 6 year anniversary. 

2. We relaxed at home. 

3. We went for walks. 

4. We shopped for goodies. 

5. We played outside. 

The weather this week was beautiful! Madison loves being outside, so we took full advantage of it. By the time summer gets here, it will be too hot to enjoy being outside, so I see lots of pool days in our future! 


  1. Madison is so cute!!! I found your blog through the blog hop, sounds like you had a great week, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I found your blog through the blog hop. Madison is very cute.

  3. Oh my goodness, that picture of Madison asleep on her play mat is the cutest thing! Love it!
