Friday, February 28, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday friends! This Friday is a little different because I'm dropping Madison off at school this morning, which Eric usually does. It will be an early morning, but worth it for Eric to get off early this afternoon.


1. Last weekend we went shopping at Carters.  I went crazy for all the adorable baby girl clothes for summer!  We got a few things (not ALL the items below) for Madison to start building her summer wardrobe...full of pink, teal and flamingos!

2. Last weekend we had my niece and nephew spend the weekend with us.  Madison had such a great time with her cousins!  She got so excited Saturday and Sunday morning when she woke up and realized Tegan and Cainan were still at our house.  Here's a recap of our weekend with 3 kids!

3.  A couple weeks ago we joked about Madison's new rug.  But, this girl LOVES her (our) new living room rug!  I sent my mom a picture of Madison and she asked if Madison face planted.  I told her that she was just snuggling with her new rug.  Also, notice her attempt to get up on all fours...this was the first time I have seen her do that!

4. Last night, this little monkey was having a blast playing before putting on her pajamas.  I love those little baby arms!

5.  This time next week, we will have a 6 month old in our house!  I can't believe this is possible...what an amazing 6 months it has been.  I still remember this time last year when we announced our pregnancy at Disney World on our 5 year anniversary. 

This is Madison's "not impressed" face.  I love this girl even though she thinks her Mommy is crazy!


  1. Haha, I love the last picture, definitely giving me a huge smile to start off my Friday. Have a great weekend!

    xoxo Tattered to Taylored

  2. Stopping by from the Link up! Your little one is precious! And that new rug looks comfy! Who wouldn't love it?

  3. Visiting from the link up. Madison is too cute!
