Sunday, March 2, 2014

Memories with Madison: Kemah Boardwalk

Saturday afternoon, we met my parents to walk around Kemah. The last time we went to Kemah was the beginning of Novemeber when Katie came to visit. Madison was about 8 weeks old at the time. 

Since the weather was so beautiful, even a little warm, we decided to let Madison sit in her stroller without the car seat carrier. She LOVED getting to face forward and sit up straight! She proceeded to take off her socks within the first 5 minutes and wiggled her toes around forever. She kept giving us a cheesy grin like she was saying "hey guys, look at my feet!"  

(Can we all take a minute to pause for the massive amount of cuteness of Madison's little legs in these leggings?!)

We walked around for about an hour, stopping so she could see the sailboats and birds. We kept saying how in just a couple years she will be asking to play games and ride the carousel.  After walking and getting a Starbucks, Madison ate some food and a bottle outside which was such a treat for her. This little lady loves being outside! 

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! I haven't been to Kemah since high school and these pictures are making me want to go back! :) And yes, her little legs look so precious in the leggings!
