Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekend Guests

This weekend, Eric and I got a glimpse into what life would be like if we had 3 kids down the road...Tegan and Cainan spent the weekend with us! Madison was so excited to have her cousins spend the weekend and had a great time playing with them. 

Friday night, Michael brought the kids to my school to join my mom and I for movie night. Tegan and Cainan enjoyed watching Despicable Me 2, getting to see my school and snacking on M&M's. After movie night, Uncle Eric surprised us all by taking us to get frozen yogurt, aka my dinner for the night. By the time we got home, we were all tired and went to bed quickly. 

*Cainan was moving so fast he looks like a blur!

Saturday morning we had girls and guys time. Eric and Cainan went to play putt putt and arcade games at Main Event, ate lunch and went to the park to play frisbee. Tegan, Madison, my mom and I went to the outlet mall. Tegan got some adorable things from the Justice outlet store. Funny side note...when my mom was checking out, the cashier told her if they spent $2 more, she would get. $30 coupon to use in the future. After that, Tegan told my dad all her clothes only cost $2!  We then moved on the Carter's and started building Madison's summer wardrobe, full is pink,teal and flamingos! 

By the time we left the mall, we were all starving so we went to Panera Bread, which is a favorite of all of ours! In the afternoon, Eric and I felt like parenting winners...we managed to get all kids to nap/rest at the same time and took part in nap time ourselves! After nap time we went back to the park and to eat Chinese food for dinner. These kids are obsessed with orange chicken!

Sunday morning, the kids were so excited to go fishing at my parents house. Their fishing was short lived before they moved on to art time and watching Ice Age. We met Heather and the twins for lunch before they headed home. I am always amazed at Heather and the fact that she has 4 kids. After lunch, Eric and I were definitely ready for another nap! 

It was so nice to have the kids with us this weekend and for Madison to have some cousin time. She was so excited each morning when she realized Tegan and Cainan were still at the house. Michael, Heather and the kids are moving to Austin in about a month, so we were so thankful to have this weekend with Tegan and Cainan. 

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