Friday, January 3, 2014

Five On Friday {Happy New Year}

Happy Friday friends! It's the first Friday of 2014 and we are coming to the end of Christmas break. I have had such a nice 2 weeks at home with Madison, but its back to school for both of us on Monday!

1. We celebrated a wonderful New Years Eve at home this year, just the way we like it. Michael, Heather and the kids came to spend the night and we had a great time with them. We cooked dinner, made appetizers & dessert and celebrated with a New Years countdown at 8pm. We were in our pajamas by 10 while we watched the Texas A&M game...what a game! Tegan and Cainan performed "magic shows" with their glow sticks. We couldn't have asked for a better night. 

2.  New Years Eve was also the day that a year ago we found out we were pregnant with Madison. It is amazing how things can change in a year! 

3. I went back this week and recapped our year into one post. It was so fun to look back over our year. At dinner for New Years Eve we all said what our favorite thing was about 2013. Besides Madison (obviously!) everyone agreed that our trip to Disney World was the winner. 
4. Madison has grown developmentally so much over the break! She rolled from her stomach to back on Christmas Eve. On New Year's Day, she rolled back to stomach and stomach to back multiple times. She will now automatically roll to her stomach any time we place her on her back. She is also grabbing for toys and putting toys in her mouth. She sat in her high hair at the dinner table, played in her door bouncer and the Exersaucer. She will be 4 months old on Monday!

5.  Eric and I aren't big on New Years resolutions, but we definitely have some goals for ourselves this year. Our main goals are to clean up our eating, stick close to the budget we created for ourselves and be more intentional/efficient at work and home so we can spend more time playing with Madison. 


  1. The best way to spend the New Year! Madison is getting SO big! Savanna is rolling around like crazy from back to belly and back again, but she's still not a huge fan of being on her belly so she gets upset if she can't manage to roll back over. What a difference a year makes!

  2. Visiting from the link-up! Madison is ADORABLE! Happy New Year :)

  3. rolling over is great! and my LO loved to bounce in her jumper!!

  4. New follower here!
    What sweet babe you got!

