Friday, January 10, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday friends! I have to say I am very thankful that it is Friday. 


1.  Madison turned 4 months old on Monday! She is started to develop into more of a baby and less of an infant. While it makes me sad that she isn't that little baby we brought home from the hospital, it is so fun to see all the new things she is doing. She love rolling! She is getting more vocal, grasping and reaching for toys and wanting to out things in her mouth. 

2. We have been attempting to take her 4 month pictures all week. For one reason or another it hasn't worked out...tired after shots, dirty clothes after daycare, etc. Thursday night I decided to change her when we got home and take pictures. She wasn't having any of that...

I guess we will try this weekend. ;)

3.  Madison went to the doctor on Friday for her four month checkup and shots. She weighs 14 lbs. 2 oz. and is 25 inches long! The doctor said she is doing great. After her doctors appointment she stayed home from school with my grandparents for the day. I'm so thankful they were able to watch her because when I got home from school she still looked a little puny from her shots.

4. This momma is tired! I am so glad it is Friday. This was my first week back at school after Christmas break and it has seemed like a long week. I am looking forward to hopefully sleeping and a little bit tomorrow a.k.a. 7 AM instead of 5 AM. We don't have much planned for this weekend, so that will be nice.

5. At the young age of four months, we have already had to make a play room for Madison. She got so many wonderful toys for Christmas and we wanted to have somewhere to keep them. We spent last weekend putting together storage containers from IKEA and going around town to take pictures to hang and her playroom. We are hoping this weekend to get the pictures hung. Her playroom is just getting started but it already looks so cute. Here is one of the storage containers for her toys. I'll post more pictures once we get everything finished. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. Your playroom storage is really cute

  2. Love the storage for the playroom!! And poor thing, those shots just made her mad! Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for linking up today!

  3. Happy four months! I remember that age was when my LO started to really interact and things started to slowly get more fun! I love her little elephant fleece jacket! We have PJs just like it and I just love the little elephants!!

  4. I love that shelving unit! It looks like it will grow with you and can even double as a book shelf! That four month pic is just adorable. Although it's not quite what you were going for, I bet it's those kinds of pictures that will make the most memories!
