Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Madison's Ears

On January 7th, Madison had a procedure to get ear tubes placed. I wasn't actually nervous at all. I was so hopeful that this would be the answer to get her ears some relief. Overall, Madison has been a very healthy baby. Her ear issues started on September 19th when we went for her 1 year check up. She ended up having a double ear infection. Since then, she has had a total of 6 right ear infections in 3 months. We got into this terrible cycle of as soon as she stopped her antibiotic, she would get another ear infection. Our record for the longest span without antibiotics was 12 days, which was so hard on Madison's stomach. Every time she was on antibiotics, she would get a terrible yeast infection diaper rash. 

We went to visit a pediatric ENT on December 12th. They did a hearing test and thankfully, her hearing was perfect. She did have negative pressure in her ears, which indicates her ears are not processing fluid effectively. We decided to have the tubes placed. 

We arrived bright and early in the morning at Texas Childrens Hospital. What an amazing hospital! Everything is child centered. The nurse who took the vitals blew bubbles the whole time to keep Madison's attention. There was a huge play room, wagons and bikes to ride in, movies to watch, etc. 

While we were waiting in pre-op, Madison feel asleep. She was asleep when the anesthesiologist took her back. She was able to wear her own pajamas and take her Wubbie and blanket with her. 

The whole procedure only took 15 minutes. Eric and I were in post op while she was waking up. I got a little choked  up when we walked back and I saw her with an IV and heart monitors. She did a great job waking up and sucked down 2 glasses of Apple juice.  The only thing Madison didn't like was the blood pressure cuff on her leg. As soon as that came off, she really perked up.  After about an hour, we were ready to go home! We met Lolli and Pops in the waiting room and headed home. We stopped to get some lunch on the way home. Madison only ate breadsticks and French fries. She could have had whatever she wanted at that point! She took a 4 hour nap when we got home, but otherwise she was her happy, playful, normal self!

Here's to hoping this is an answer to our prayers and Madison's ears will be back to normal. 

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