Friday, January 23, 2015

Madison 12-16 Months

It has been a while since we have done a Madison update, so I want to recap her 12 to 16 months.  All of a sudden since she turned 16 months it has seem like she has taken off with her talking and learning. She no longer seems like a baby and we have officially crossed over into the toddler stage.  I have never worried about her getting older, because each new stage is something fun and exciting. But, it really hit me this past weekend that she is not a baby anymore.

             12 months to 16 months

             13, 14, 15 and 16 months

As I was picking pictures for this collage, I realized we have lots of pictures of Madison that are blurry or of her back because she is always moving! We also have lots of pictures with her pacifier or while she's eating...since it's the only time she is still. I notice a huge difference in the way she look from her 13 to 14 month picture. Over all, Madison didn't gain an ounce from her 12 month checkup to January 7th when she got her tubes. 

Motor skills: Madison's pediatrician told us that if she wasn't walking by 14 months, to come back to him. And true Madison fashion, she started walking on her 14 month birthday. She has become an excellent walker, almost running these days. She loves to do "fast feet" where she runs in place.  She tries to practice swinging a golf club like daddy and just started trying to overhand throw. She attempts to use a fork and spoon. Madison also likes to wipe her hands, face and table. 

Health: I have a feeling the next 4 months will be better health wise than the last 4 months. Poor Madison battled one ear infection after another the past 4 months. She had 6 right ear infections in 3.5 months. Her longest stint without being on antibiotics was 12 days. Each ear infection led to 10-14 days of antibiotics, which led to an upset tummy, which then led to terrible diaper rashes/yeast infections that had to be treated with prescription cream. Madison had tubes placed in her ears on January 7th, so we are hopeful that this will be the fix! 

Eating: Overall, Madison is still an excellent leader. She eats all of her breakfast, lunch and snacks at school. Dinnertime depends on the day. We are trying to cut back on her 5 o'clock snacks so that she will eat more dinner. We typically eat dinner between 5:30 and 6:30 each night.  She loves rice, beef fajita meat, beans, any kind of fruit, Cheerios, goldfish, and her new thing is anything that she can dip her food in. Ketchup and salsa seem to be her favorites.  

Playing: Madison would rather read a book than play with toys any day of the week. We read at least 20 books a joke! Madison has become interested in baby dolls and stuffed animals lately. She also loves her push toys and riding toys. She loves to go outside, ride in her pink car and swing.  Bath time is a favorite playtime too!

Sleeping: We are forever thankful that Madison is a good sleeper. She goes to bed around 8:00 PM each night and sleeps until 7:00 AM on schools days and 7:30 on the weekends. She takes 1 nap a day, for about 2 hours. 

Talking: Madison has taken off with her talking! I need to start writing down all the new words she is saying. She is started to mimic our words and phrases more
often. Some of the words and phrases she is saying include: mom, dad, eat, all done, hold this, Wubbie, night night, puppy, dog, cat, cow, bath, duck, moo, quack, meow, puffs, pouch (food pouch), Lolli, Pops, Nana, MowMow, PawPaw, TayTay, KayKay, nose, ears, mouth, hair, bow, water, milk, juice, outside, up, open, bye bye, hi, baby, boo, shoes, socks, boots, book, bus, row, boat, shhh, diaper, pillow and yellow. 

Celebrations and Events: We have been busy! We celebrated Cainan, Brennin and Westin's birthday in Austin. We also celebrated Pop's, GiGi, MowMow and PawPaw's birthdays. We celebrated Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. We went to Austin, Dallas and Colorado. 

1 comment:

  1. OH MY… She is so adorable :) I can't handle the cuteness Happy Friday
    Chelsea @
