Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December Catch Up

Happy Friday Friends! I think this December will be known as the month of the doctor for the Konesheck has been a busy couple weeks! Eric had the flu, I had a sinus infection and Madison had a week long battle with croup and an ear infection. 

I just love this outfit on Madison! She is like our personal Elf in the Shelf. 

Eric's grandma, Nana, has been having some health issues lately. We made a trip to visit her one Sunday afternoon and had a wonderful visit. That next week was quite a scary week, but Nana is now recovering well. I love this picture of Nana, Eric and Madison. 

We went to visit Santa and Madison did wonderful! She kept looking at him to see what he was all about. 

Here are her Santa pictures from last year and this year. It is amazing how much she has grown!

While Eric was home sick with the flu, my mom and I took Madison to visit a pediatric ENT.  She has had recurring ear infections since mid September. She just finished her 6th infection in her right ear. It seems as though her ear just can't get better. The longest streak she has been off antibiotics since September is 12 days. 

Her hearing test showed her hearing was perfect. However, she has negative pressure in her ears. This is a sign that her ears aren't processing fluid, which is making the fluid back up in her ear and causing infections. To fix this, Madison will be getting tubes in her ears in early January. I am of course nervous that Madison will be going under anesthesia, but we are hopeful for a solution! 

Nutella gelato can make anything better!

After a week of sickness in our house, Madison took advantage of Saturday night and had a bubble bath! 

She had a blast, said bubble over and over and was wrinkly when she got out. 

Our good health was short Sunday night, Madison had a fever and a bad cough. We went to urgent care to make sure she didn't have the flu. Her flu test came back negative and her ears were clear, but she had croup. We stayed home on Monday and poor baby was pitiful! We know she is sick when she is still and doesn't want to eat. 

By Monday afternoon, her fever spiked to 102.4. We had a hard time string her fever down for the next couple days. My dad stayed with Madisonon Tuesday and took her to the doctor. In 2 short days, she developed a full blown ear infection (#6). 

This was a rare moment of her playing over her days of being sick. 

Thankfully, Madison was feeling better and able to be at her class party on Thursday! She lovers fruit!

Madison's teacher sent me these pictures, since Eric and I weren't able to go to her party. 

Friday night we headed to Dallas to see my Aunt Donna, Uncle Mike and Meme. Madison loved their dog, Mathilda. 

As a true sign of love, Madison tried to give Mathilda her white Wubbie. Mathilda was not such of a fan of Madison. 

On Saturday, the guys headed to Arlington to go to the Katy football state game. Madison and I met Eric and his parents in Fort Worth for the night. 

For Worth has a beautiful lights and Christmas tree display within walking distance of our hotel. 

Here are the past 3 years of our trips to Fort Worth. 

2012- I was pregnant with Madison, but didn't know it yet. 
2013- Madison @ 3 months
2014- Madison @ 15 months 

We have enjoyed our first few days of Christmas break. We will be celebrating with my family today and Eric's family tomorrow. Merry Christmas to you and your family! 

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