Friday, February 21, 2014

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday friends! This week has been crazy busy at work, so it has flown by. Instead of doing Five on Friday today, I want to do one sweet moment from last night. As a teacher, we often encourage students to zoom in on an event and write a small moment story about a specific part of the event. Yesterday afternoon I found myself in my own small moment. 

Tuesday and Thursday evenings are hard for me and usually somewhat stressful. Eric doesn't get home until 7:30-8:00, so it can be challenging to balance getting home from work late, playing with Madison, feeding and bathing her and trying to start dinner. I often tell myself "just keep going" to get to a point where I can finally relax and play with Madison before she goes to bed. 

Something different happened this Thursday...when we got home I suddenly felt a total sense of calm after a high stress and high anxiety day. When we got inside, Madison was crying a cry I have only heard when she is sick. I knew she was tired so we sat in the recliner while I tried to calm her down. As we sat there, she fell asleep within minutes. I sat there thinking about my day, looking around the living room covered with toys and tried to take in every little part of the moment. I am so thankful to have toys on the floor, a basket full of dirty baby clothes and a sink full of empty bottles at the end of the day. 

After a few minutes, I put Madison in her swing and we both took a nap. It was exactly what we both needed. Time to slow down, not worry about tomorrow and the never ending to do list, just time to sleep. I only rested for about 15 minutes, but it gave me the extra boost I needed to feel refreshed. While Madison napped I cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, unloaded the dishwasher and took a shower. After we ate dinner, Madison was still not ready to wake up. I got her out of her swing and she snuggled into my neck...I melted. She hardly ever does that and it was the best feeling ever. All day I felt like my merry go round of life was spinning faster than I wanted and I was not in control. I am so thankful the feeling passed when we got home and I could enjoy this sweet moment. 

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