Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Madison's New Rug

Last Saturday we bought a new rug for our living room...also known as a new rug for Madison! 

When we moved into our house 2 years ago, we were never able to find a rug we liked for our living room. Our living room is tile, so we needed something to make the space seem cozy. When my parents moved out of their house that summer, they let us use their rug until they moved into their new house. Here we are a year and half later and we ended up keeping their rug! Before they gave it to us, they had the rug for about 4-5 years. Here is a picture of the old rug:

I had mentioned to Eric that we probably needed to think about looking at rugs again in the next couple months since Madison would start crawling. The rug we had was in good shape still, but we wanted something new and soft. 

Thinking it would take us a while to find a rug, we went last weekend to Home Depot and Lowes. We actually found a rug at Lowes and ended up buying it! On Sunday, we cleared out the living room, vacuumed the floors and laid out the new rug. We also moved the coffee table out of the living room so Madiosn would have more room to roll...totally logical, right?!  When Madison woke up from her nap, we put her on the new rug and she loved it. She hasn't stopped rolling since! Here are aome pictures of the new rug and Madison's rolling skills...she moved this far in a matter of minutes!

Roll baby, roll!

This is a little more realistic view of our living room on a daily basis. 

We are loving our new soft rug! 


  1. Aww! Madison looks really cute! She really does enjoy this new rug of hers doesn't she? As comfortable as they are, rugs still harbor health threatening germs and dust that may cause irritations. Regular cleaning is the key to avoid such inconvenience.

    Chuck Levesque

  2. The new rug looks amazing! You did a great job on finding a replacement for the old one, especially now that Madison is probably going to be all over it. And I bet she is having a grand time rolling around on it! Haha! She looks really adorable! Anyway, thanks for sharing this lovely post, Sara. All the best!

    Lucy Andrews @ SafeCleanWestminsterUK
