Friday, November 1, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday, friends!  This has been such a fun week with Halloween last night.  I am so looking forward to celebrating more holidays with our little pumpkin.

  1. Tomorrow is the day that Katie comes to visit!  I am so excited to have her in Texas for a few days.  We have plans to relax, shop, eat and love on Madison.  Last time Katie came to visit we introduced her to Bucees, Galveston and Dallas.  This time we are planning to go to the outlet mall near our house, take her to Kemah, have dinner with my parents and grandparents and have some girl time getting pedicures. 

2. To add to the excitement of Katie, this is also happening tomorrow...

                                                                      'Tis the Season!

That's right friends...the Starbuck's red holiday cups and drinks are back!  Call me shallow, but there is just something a little more right in the world when you're holding a red holiday cup filled with a Carmel Brûlée Latte!

3. Monday was my 100th blog post!  I had fun looking back over my blog and compiling a list of some of my favorite memories.  Be sure to check out the list and take a stroll down memory lane.

4. I am so excited that it is November!  Fall is flying by, but I can't wait for some cooler weather.  On Wednesday I wrote about my love for October.  My love for November is just as great!  Now that Halloween is over, it is game on for Christmas decorations, displays and music in the stores.  I just can't help but be happy around this time of year!

5. Today our baby girl is 8 weeks old!  She has made the past 8 weeks better than we could have ever imagined.  I love our time we spend together during the day cuddling, running errands, eating and playing.  She is so alert right now and discovering ne things every day.  I was looking at the calendar the other night and was pleasantly surprised when I realized I had 5 weeks, not 4 weeks, left of maternity leave.  I forgot to count Thanksgiving break in my weeks off.  I can't wait to fill the next 5 weeks with lots of snuggles, kisses and trips to Starbucks with my girl. ;)

 Happy Halloween from Cinderella!



  1. Yay for the red cups!! I cant get over how cute little missy is :) Happy Friday!

  2. Happy Friday!! Hope you have a great weekend and I think that has to be the cutest Cinderella I have seen!!!

  3. I see a Starbucks run in my very near future! This year FLEW by so fast. Where did the time go?!! Your baby girl is beautiful! Love the little cinderella onsie. Precious! New follower:) xoxo

  4. Red cups are our already?! YAY!! :) I'm the same as you with the Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff coming up! You're so lucky you get to spend so much time with your little girl... she is so precious!!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Congrats on the birth of your daughter, she is precious! That teeny Cinderella costume is too cute.

  6. 8 weeks? Oh my... it goes too fast! And she is BEAUTIFUL! Perfect little babe :)
    Snow is in our forecast tomorrow (YUCK!) so i will be packing my babe up and heading to Starbucks for some yummy hot chocolate!
