Monday, November 4, 2013

"A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes"

                     "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when your fast asleep" -Cinderella

Thursday night  was Halloween and our little pumpkin was Cinderella! As I was looking at sweet Madison dressed in her princess costume, I was thinking about how she really is our wish come true. 

Last year, November 2012, I went to go visit Katie in New York. One thing we did was go to the place in Times Square where they house New Years Eve balls from years past. Katie knew that you could write a wish on piece of confetti that they use for the ball drop and New Year's Eve. After going through a year of infertility, my wish was that we would get pregnant in 2013. Well...wishes do come true! We found out New Year's Eve 2012 that we were pregnant. I knew in my heart for 10 days prior that we were pregnant, but we officially found out the morning of New Year's Eve. It was so special to watch the ball drop that night knowing that our wish had come true.

Anyone who knows me and my family personally knows that Disney World holds a special place in our heart. We have been to Disney five times throughout my life and every single time has been such a special family vacation. When I was in college I took part in the College Program that Disney hosts. It's an opportunity for college kids all across the world to go work at Disney and gain experience in different lines of work. Most people who work there for the College Program are in some kind of major that relates to business, restaurant management or some kind of entertainment. Being an elementary education major, I didn't really fit any of those molds, but I still knew it was something that I wanted to do. The experience was such a wonderful opportunity for me to grow as an independent person and also to meet Katie, who is still my friend today. 

Fast forward March 2013... We went to Disney World with Eric's family during spring break. 12 Koneshecks- ranging from 60 years old to 6 month old twins- it's was an adventure! The special thing about this trip with that I was 13 weeks pregnant! Our first day at Disney World was March 8, 2013. This is also me and Eric's five-year anniversary. We decided to announce our pregnancy and take a picture in front of Cinderella's Castle holding a sign that said "Baby Konesheck Coming September 2013". This was our way to make our pregnancy Facebook official, because nothing is official until it's Facebook official! ;)  The trip was so special getting to experience Disney World through the eyes of Tegan (7) and Cainan (4). We can't wait to bring Madison in a few years! 




As Halloween got closer this year, we had talked about a few costumes for Madison, but didn't want to buy anything since she was so little. A friend my Mom works with loves Disney as much as us and had given Madison a Cinderella outfit. We decided that she had to be Cinderella for Halloween. As soon as I put the outfit on her, my heart melted! She looked so sweet and made me think about how our little wish has come full circle since last November. 



Sticking with our Cinderella theme...we all know this is true!!


  1. I love that you announced the pregnancy in front of the castle! I was 4 weeks pregnant on our last Disney venture and I didn't find out until we came home. I would have loved to do that! Baby girl looks precious as Cinderella, Savanna was Rapunzel this year:)

  2. This is such a sweet and special post! Madison is the CUTEST Cinderella ever!!
