Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Attempt to be Crafty

I have become addicted to a new website this summer called Pinterest.  It is basically a online bulletin/Facebook page for crafting, cooking, decorating, etc.  You can "pin" different things you find on the Internet onto bulletin boards to save for future reference.  It is so cool!  You can also become friends with people you know and see their ideas also.  Eric doesn't even know what he is in for when we get a house...the decorating juices are flowing!  Since this week was my last official week of summer before I start teaching summer school, I decided to make a couple wreaths that I have been wanting to make all summer.  I made a wreath for our front door out of a dried stick like wreath, fake flowers and a wooden letter.  I also made one for my class that is made out of ribbons and has cute bunting with my last name on it.  I get to hang it up tomorrow when I go to my class for summer school.  Here are some pictures to document my attempt at creativity!

Materials...the before

The finished product...I was pretty proud of myself!

Close-up of my cute!

The finished product for my class. 

On a side note...I have never been much of a fan of Halloween.  Not sure why, but never enjoyed dressing up, scary stuff, ghosts, etc.  I never saw any cute Halloween stuff that wasn't cheesy.  Last year, I discovered how cute Halloween decorations can be!  I fell in love with purple mixed in with orange and black.  Looking forward to creating some cute decorations for my class this year that aren't too "Halloweenish" but still give the feel of the holiday.  Pinterest here I come!

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