Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cainan Come to Visit!

     After Tegan came to visit us for a few days, it was Cainan's turn!  He had told me that he wanted to come visit "all by himself" but I was still a little worried about how he would be without Tegan.  Before he came to our house, we spent the day in Katy going to gymnastics for Tegan and swimming lessons for Cainan.  He was cracking me up because he spent the whole day asking to be reassured that we were still going to my house, still going to eat pizza for dinner and still going to see Eric.  He asked me over...and over...and over!  He was JUST making sure.  He cracks me up! 
     We finally headed to Clear Lake, picked up pizza on the way home and ate dinner with Eric.  In true Cainan fashion, the first thing he asked was if he could go play putt putt that night.  It is his favorite thing to do!  We went to play putt putt and got frozen yogurt. 

We realized that Cainan forgot Mo, his sock monkey so we were a little worried about night time.  He did wonderful though and didn't have any trouble sleeping!  The next day Eric had to go to work, so we went to Chik-fil-a for breakfast with Eric. I had mentioned going to get Cainan a cheap stuffed animal to have so Eric said we should go to Target to get a new Mo.  Cainan was so cute because as soon as he saw the sock monkeys, he picked on up and said "I love him!" Melt my heart...

    That day while Eric was at work we went to the pool.  Cainan showed off his new swimming skills.  Within a month, he went from not getting in the water to jumping in and swimming all around with his floaties on.  I was so proud of him!  We met Eric for lunch and took naps.  I have a new found love for nap time!  That night we met my parents for dinner after they got back from Vegas.  It was great to see them and Cainan always enjoys seeing them. 

He felt the need to wear his Green Lantern glasses during nap time.  Too cute!

    Saturday we went to do a little shopping in the morning and met Michael, Heather and Tegan in Pearland to shop, eat lunch and give back Cainan.  I was not ready for him to go!  Both of those kiddos are so sweet and I miss them so much!

     How can you not love him?!

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