Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week In Review: Week 6

       I'm still trying to get caught up on my summer, but I am almost there!  I am very thankful that I chose to these posts this summer so I can remember what a wonderful summer it has been.  The week after Tegan and Cainan came to visit, my mom and I went to Dallas to visit my Aunt Donna, Uncle Mike and Meme. 
      On the way to Dallas, we went through College Station.  I love that place!  We stopped by the bookstore to get some souvenirs and went to Sweet Eugene's, a favorite coffee shop of mine when I went to Texas A&M.  We got a couple cute shirts for my friend Megan's baby, Camden.  They were so cute!
      We had a wonderful time in Dallas and it was very nice to have time to visit and relax.  We got to meet my aunt's boss and his wife, who we had heard so much about.  They came to drop off their dog, Hula, to stay while they went out of town.  We did a little shopping, got pedicures and tried to stay cool.  After being out for a little while each day, we were happy to be home in the air conditioning and cook dinner at home each night.  I never would have thought coming back to Houston would be a break from the heat!  It was around 105 each day and the heat was almost unbearable!  They are still having an incredible heat wave in Dallas and I am very thankful for our 97 degree temperatures!  Hopefully they will get some relief from the heat soon. 
   I also went to visit my college friend Megan one afternoon and meet her new baby boy, Camden.  He was too cute!  It has been a while since I held a little baby.  He was a few days short of 2 months and so good!  I held him forever and got to feed him a bottle.  It was so good to see Megan and catch-up on her life as a new mommy.

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