Monday, June 20, 2011

Things I'm Loving Right Now

Here are some things that I am loving right now...just wanted to share!

Pinterest is a cool website where you can create online bulletin boards to hold all different ideas you find for home decorating, cooking, crafting, etc. It's my new summer obsession!

Love this cute necklace from Funky Vintage Lovely!

  I am loving this print right now.  Since we have no more room to decorate our apartment, I will have to hold off buying cute pillows, towels and many other things I have seen with this day!
  Another cute print I am liking.  I think something like this would be cute for my classroom. 

    I have never been a wreath person, until I realized wreaths can be cute!  Eric and I made a wreath for Christmas, and now I want a wreath for every season!  I want to make a wreath like this, but add a "K" instead of our address numbers. 

  There are so many things I love about this...the teal color and frame, the banner on the poster and the saying.  I want to print cute sayings like this to hang in my class this year.  Now...where to find cute frames like this?

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