Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Lovin' Week in Review #2

I guess this is s good thing, but it seems like I have been on summer vacation for a lot longer than 2 weeks!  Let's hope the whole summer goes this slow!  This past week was fun because I got to see my family, the Konesheck's and some good friends.   The week started by me having to go to a GT training.  The thing that made it even better was that I got to go with Leslie.  That helped both of us make it through the day.  We had another swimming day on Wednesday and I headed to Katy that night.  Heather and the kids came over to my parents house for dinner and we went to get ice cream afterwards.  On Thursday, I got to practice being a mommy.  I watched the kids for the day while Heather was with her dad for the day.  We started by going to Tegan's first gymnastics class.  She was so excited and worked really hard!  We then meet up with my dad for lunch at Cafe Express.  Heather and I went to dinner that night with my friend Lyndsey.  It was so fun to catch-up and hear about baby Carter who is due in September. 
          Friday and Saturday my mom and I went shopping while Eric played golf and my dad went fishing.  Sunday was Father's day.  Eric and I cooked breakfast for my dad and then went to see the Hangover 2 with my parents.  That afternoon, we went swimming at the Konesheck's and boiled crawfish.  Monday morning, before leaving Katy, I went to brunch with my friend Jennifer.  We haven't seen each other since Christmas since she lives in Charlottesville, Virginia now.  Since then, she has gotten engaged to the guy she went to our prom with.  We have known Brad for many years and after going separate ways for college, they meet up a few years ago and have been dating ever since!  They are getting married in April, so it was so much fun to hear about the wedding plans!  I had a wonderful time getting to stay in Katy for more than a weekend and spend some extended time with my family.  Summer is off to a great start so far!

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