Sunday, June 26, 2011

This Summer Just Keeps Getting Better...Week 3

This summer is just what I needed...relaxation and freedom to do as I please! Every week just seems to be getting better and better as I settle into the summer routine.   Each night, I just keep thinking how wonderful it is going to be when Eric is officially graduated and we have time to do as we want, go here and there, and not have the constant cloud of school work over his head.  Here is a rundown of what we did this week:

Monday: Met my good friend Jennifer for brunch. to catch-up on life.  We haven't seen each other since Christmas and since then, she has gotten engaged!  We had a great brunch and I can't wait until the next time we see each other.  Also on Monday, I went to the doctor on my way home for what I thought was water in my ear.  Turns out it was an inner ear infection...I'm such a 5 year old!

Tuesday: Played catch-up around the house and lounged around.  My ear actually started hurting pretty bad Monday night, so I tried to take it easy Tuesday.  I had been gone for 5 days, so there was laundry to be done!  The beauty of it it that I don't mind doing laundry when all I have to do that day is laundry.  It was actually relaxing...kind of weird!

Wednesday: RAIN!  It actually rained for an extended period of time for the first time in many months.  It was a beautiful sight.  I took another day to hang around the house and catch-up on rest and cleaning.

Thursday:  Finally left the house and went to run some errands.  I finally got my ring exchanged at Swarovski and went to James Avery to get my new graduation charm put on my bracelet.

  Check out this beauty that Eric got me for my birthday!
Maeva White Ring

Friday: Went to lunch with some lovely ladies I work with and took a trip to Old's our mecca!  That night, Eric and I went to a nice dinner together and went to look at some neighborhoods afterwards.  We called it an early night and rented Just Go With It on the way home.  Cute movie, I love Jennifer Aniston!

Saturday: Our weekend extravaganza began!  David, Eric's sister's boyfriend, came to Clear Lake early Saturday morning.  We met him for breakfast ans went to Galveston.  The boys played putt putt while I went to the cutest coffee shop and read. There is a neighborhood called Evia behind Moody Gardens that looks like it is out of a movie.  So adorable and the houses are beautiful!

We then gave David the Galveston tour, came back to eat lunch and swam for a little while.  That afternoon, Eric's parents and Katie come down and we went to eat in Galveston at Willie G's.  Yum yum!

Sunday: We had a lazy morning and lounged around until 11:30.  Then we headed out to Sugarland to walk around the mall and eat dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  We had $20 in gift cards that we got by filling out an online survey and a coupon for free cheesecake.  My parents met us and we had a wonderful afternoon and dinner with them.  I don't know if I will eat again for full!
  This little beauty is what put me over the edge! Red Velvet Cheesecake!

Here's to another week of relaxation, friends and family and Summer 2011!

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