Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Week in Review- Week 1

In an effort to fully enjoy this summer while also making it a productive summer. my goal is to blog each weekend about the previous week.  Hopefully this will help avoid the yearly event that happens around the middle of August when all teachers think to themselves "Where did the summer go?  Did I make the most of my time off?" 

Overall, it was a very successful and busy first week of summer vacation!  We saw friends and family, I did some massive organizing and relaxed a little too.

Monday- Spent the day with my friend Leslie, her girls Hayden and Adyson, and her mom to celebrate my birthday.  They treated me to lunch, shopping at Old Navy and a pedicure.

Tuesday- Celebrated my 27th birthday by going to breakfast with Eric.  Went to dinner at Ichibon in Kemah with some teacher friends and their husbands, and my brother in law Darren.  Leslie, Carol, Georgina and I have formed a great little girls group and the husbands get along well too, so that's an added bonus!

Wednesday- Started "Operation Find Our Closet"  It was such an undertaking, but after a long 10 hours day of cleaning, I got rid of 6 huge bags of clothes, shoes, bags and house items.  The process was WAY to much to be contained for one day...

Thursday- Went to a Social Studies training and finished "Operation Find Our Closet".  The transformation was amazing!  I wish I would have taken a before picture.  It makes me so happy every time I walk into my room now =)

Friday- Heather and the kids came out to join in our first pool day of the summer with our girl's group.  It was a wonderful day of swimming, having a picnic on the living room and taking a wonderful afternoon nap.  We then went to dinner with Eric, Michael and Darren.  I love those kiddos so much!  I am not sure who was more sad when they or the kids!

Saturday- Eric and I went to Spring for the day.  Eric went to plat golf with Drew and Brody, his UTMB buddies.  Drew's wife, Brandi, and I went check out Old Town Spring, at lunch at a beautiful restaurant called Jasper's in the Woodlands and sunned ourselves by the pool at Brody's parents house.  After golf, the boys joined us at the pool at we sat outside for hours telling stories and enjoying good company.

Sunday- Eric came to wake me up in the morning and was ready to do something.  He was in the mood for Galveston and a burger at the Spot.  We called my parents and they jumped at the chance to come visit and go to the Spot.  Even though we have been close to 100 degrees each day for the past few weeks, the weather was surprisingly nice.

I know this is long...don't expect each week to be this event filled or detailed =)  Here's to a wonderful summer with friends, family and taking time for myself!

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