Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Bucket List

Summer is here!!!  I have big plans to enjoy this summer to the fullest.  I have been in grad school the past 2 summers, so this summer will be a lot different.  One of my main goals for this summer is to get my life back in order.  I have been a scatter-brained mess this year and have let many things go in my life.  I have recently gotten into reading a lot of different blogs about making crafty things/home decorating.  I saw a cute idea on one blog called Tatertots and Jello to make a summer bucket list for kids.  So...I thought this would be a good idea for myself to help me stay focused on some projects I want to do this summer and also to give me ideas when I can't think of what I want to do each day.

                                           My 2011 Summer Bucket List
  • Clean out and organize our closet- finished this the first week of summer!
  • Clean out and organize our desk area
  • Catch-up on my blog- graduation and teacher of the year lunch
  • Spend more time with Eric at night and on the weekends since we are both done with classes!
  • Blog more often to help me remember this time in our life- Week in Review
  • Make going to the gym more of a priority
  • Spend time with friends that I have not seen in a while or missed over the past year
  • Spend more time with my family
  • Have Tegan and Cainan come visit for a few days- each separately at the request of Cainan =)
  • Work on some school planning for next year to hopefully alleviate some beginning of the year stress
  • Work on some crafting/decorating projects I have seen lately
  • Read more books
My hope is to be better about updating my blog so hopefully I will be able to accomplish most of my summer bucket list!

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