Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! I am oh so happy to see Friday and have a long weekend. 

This week was the first week of school. Overall, it was a great week with not too many hiccups. Even though Madison and I have been back at school for a month, we still celebrated the first day of school. 

I can't wait to start making first day of school traditions with our family. When I was a kid, we would always have blueberry muffins for the first day of school. 

Madison's first birthday is quickly approaching! Next Saturday, Septemebr 6th, we will be celebrating the big one with Madison. I thought I was fine with her turning one, but it is starting to hit me. It is amazing to watch her grow and learn new things. I'm not too sad about her getting older, but just more emotional about how much we have been through as our first year as a family and how very thankful we are to have Madison. We prayed and God answered with more then we could have ever imagined. 

This picture cracks me up...

One thing that has not changed is Madison's love for her white Wubbie. It may be a little less fluffy and not as white, but it's still Madison's favorite!

I'm looking forward to soaking up the next week with Madison. Love her to pieces!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! I am oh so happy to see Friday and have a long weekend. 

This week was the first week of school. Overall, it was a great week with not too many hiccups. Even though Madison and I have been back at school for a month, we still celebrated the first day of school. 

I can't wait to start making first day of school traditions with our family. When I was a kid, we would always have blueberry muffins for the first day of school. 

Madison's first birthday is quickly approaching! Next Saturday, Septemebr 6th, we will be celebrating the big one with Madison. I thought I was fine with her turning one, but it is starting to hit me. It is amazing to watch her grow and learn new things. I'm not too sad about her getting older, but just more emotional about how much we have been through as our first year as a family and how very thankful we are to have Madison. We prayed and God answered with more then we could have ever imagined. 

This picture cracks me up...

One thing that has not changed is Madison's love for her white Wubbie. It may be a little less fluffy and not as white, but it's still Madison's favorite!

I'm looking forward to soaking up the next week with Madison. Love her to pieces!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Madison's 11 Month Birthday

Madison–We are only 1 month away from you being 1 year old!  We want to make sure to savor this month and not let it go too fast.  We are busy planning your 1st birthday party and taking pictures for your invitations.  Even though it is hard to believe you are almost 1, it seems like you have been in our lives forever.
Date: August 6, 2014
Weight: We are guessing you weigh a little over 21 lbs. & You are wearing mostly 9-12 month clothes.  You are wearing size 3 diapers.
Sleeping: Since starting back at school, you have been extra tired!  There are some nights you sleep from 7:30pm to 7:00am! You are still taking a morning and afternoon nap, with an occasional dinner time cat nap.
Eating: You are starting to move towards eating mostly table foods.  You love pancakes and fruit for breakfast, ravioli, salmon, goldfish crackers, chicken, bananas and mandarin oranges.  You have also started drinking a couple bottle of milk during the day,  At school, you eat off the lunch menu and it is adorable!
Milestones: you do a great job standing while leaning on the couch and taking steps side to side while holding on.  You are starting to loose interst in your red car and standing toy.  You love your pink push car, going for walks and reading books.  You favorite books are 5 Little Ladybugs, Goodnight Thumper and anything with a flap.  You are showing interest in imitating animal sounds.  When you eat, you show us more and finished using signs you have learned. 
Special Moments: At the beginning of this month, we went to the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort with Uncle Michael, Aunt Heather and your cousins.  You had a great time in the beach entry area and ate a handful of sand.  We also got you a convertible car seat this month.  You are still facing backwards, but you love getting to sit up straighter and look out the window.  Towards the middle of the month, Katie came to visit us from NYC!  We had a great time playing with her.  You started back at school this month in the Guppy room.  You are so happy to be with your friends and teachers!

Here are Madison's past 10 months:


Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! Here's to a great weekend with our little love. 

Madison and I have been back at school for 2 weeks already! She is loving being back with her friends at daycare. Madison has one little girl that her teachers say is her best friend. They crawl around together all day, play and make each other laugh. 

                     Pajama Day!

This was the scene when I picked Madison up from school one day...

Her teachers said she takes the toys off the shelf ALL day long! Madison also started eating off the school lunch menu! So far, she has loved everything. She even ate two servings of ravioli on Thursday. 

We celebrated Lolli's birthday on Saturday and her real birthday was Tuesday. 

Madison also celebrated 11 months on Wednesday. I can't get over how much we love this little girl! 

We are in full on planning mode for her first birthday! She has 2 outfits to wear between her party, family pictures, cake smash and invitation pictures. She is going to look adorable!

Madison has been practicing her selfie skills...she thinks it is so neat to be able to see her self in the camera. She will make funny faces and try to touch the picture. 

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