Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Top Baby Items: 0-6 Weeks

Before Madison arrived, Eric and I were blessed with 3 baby showers with our family and friends.  We were showered with love and gifts for Madison.  Eric has also received so many gifts and diapers from his sweet patients.  Now that I am a mom, I have a better idea of what are necessities for Madison that help to make the days and nights even sweeter.  As we navigated our first 6 weeks of parenthood, here are some of our top baby items that helped us.
1. Wubbanub pacifier- This has been an absolute life saver!  I originally registered for this because it was so cute.  Within 6 hours of Madison being home from the hospital, I knew we had hit the jackpot.  The stuffed animal lays on her chest as it weighs down the pacifier to make it less likely to fall out and also gives her some comfort, like having your hand on her.  The green part that she sucks on was much easier for her to keep in her mouth than the pacifiers that were more flat than rounded.

2. Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper- Another life saver!  When Madison is in the rocker, she sits down in the middle, so the sides are wrapped around her.  It makes her feel more snug than laying in the pack and play, where she can't feel anything around her sides.  We are trying to transition her to the pack and play, but keep going back to the Rock and Play.  She has been having some issues with spitting up after she eats.  The Rock and Play lets her sleep at an incline, which makes me feel better that she won't choke if she spits up.

3. Britax B-Agile Travel System- We were so lucky to have my parents buy our travel system for us.  In March, we went to Disney World with Eric's family.  Heather had a Baby Jogger City Select for the twins.  It was so smooth to push, even throughout Disney for many days.  Since the City Select was for twins, we went with the Britax B-Agile, which had the same smooth feel when you push it.  It included the car seat, which can come off the stroller and slip into the base in our cars. 

4. Sound Spa on-the-go- My mom bought this for us at Buy Buy Baby on a whim, thinking that it was cute and could be good for the stroller.  We have used this every night since the 2nd night we were home.  After long hours without sleep, we discovered the beautiful sound of white noise.  This has 4 different sounds- white noise, heartbeat, music and ocean.

5. Playtex VentAire bottles- For the first week of Madison's life, we were on the quest for the perfect bottle/nipple.  We went through 3 different brand of bottles and 4 types of nipples, before we had success with the Playtex VentAire bottles.  While Madison is mostly breastfed, we do give her bottles sometimes when we are going out, she needs extra milk after a feeding (when she had jaundice in the beginning) or Mommy just needs a break in the middle of the night.  I think what makes these bottles work well for Madison is the way they sit at an angle while she eats.  They don't flow too fast and she takes a bottle without fuss. 

We are always looking for recommendations of things that work for other parents.  We are lucky to have so many friends and family in our live who have had multiple children before us to help us navigate through the trial and error of being first time parents.  Let us know what things work well as we move onto the next stages!



  1. Love the Britax! We have the double B Agile stroller. I love the bouncy seat or bump for babies once they have great head control. Makes taking a shower much more do-able!

    I also like the little attachment for my manual pump that holds a freezer bag. I don't lose any milk transferring from a bottle to freezer bag, and given that I get a whopping 2.5oz max when I pump, every drop counts!

  2. I have seen the attachment for the freezer bags and wondered about them. I may look into that when I go back to work. I totally understand spilling while frustrating!

  3. We had a blogger send us a rock n play because she said that's the only thing her daughter would sleep in once they got home from the hospital. And like you, we are thankful for my parents because they are giving us the travel system for Christmas this year. A huge expense we won't have to endure! Love the advice, and I'm going to pin it now!
