Friday, October 18, 2013

Five on Friday

TGIF! I am amazed at how fast the weeks have been flying by!  Every Monday Eric and I are both sad that it is Monday and he has to go to work.  But before I know it, we are back at Friday and looking forward to the weekend together as our little family of 3.  This Saturday, Eric has an all day training for work...he will have to miss Madison & me and the Texas A&M game.

1. How on earth can I have a 6 week old baby?! It seems like just yesterday I was sitting in the hospital, holding this tiny baby that I had gotten to know over the past 9 months. The first set of "baby is growing up tears" came when Madison didn't fit into her newborn clothes anymore.  I feel another cry coming on...6 weeks seems like such a milestone!  I still remember when we went for our 6 week ultrasound last January.  What a year it has been! Madison has started smiling this week, which just melts my heart. 
2. Has anyone see the new Carter's tv commercial?  Oh my about being a puddle of tears the first time I saw it!  I was siting on the couch a few days after we got home from the hospital with Madison.  Being a new mommy and full of emotions (hormones), I couldn't help but cry. The commercial plays on daytime tv constantly and it still makes my heart happy every time.  The part where the little kid says the first night home was a doozy- I couldn't think of a better way to describe our first few nights home. 
3. On to something a little less emotional...peanut butter! Last weekend at the store, I got a new peanut butter to try that is White Chocolate Peanut Butter.  It is AMAZING! I have had to force myself to not eat it all day long.  The brand is Peanut Butter & Co.  It turns out they have a restaurant in New York City that sells all kinds of peanut butter sandwiches.  I'm definitely adding this stop to my next trip to NYC!
White Chocolate Wonderful
4. Sticking with the food theme, my new obsession is strawberries with Cool Whip.  They are so delicious and the perfect dessert without being tons of calories.  For the past 2 weekends, we have bought a 2 lb. box of strawberries at the store and they have been gone by Tuesday.  This week, we bought 4 lbs of strawberries and they made it until Thursday night.  Four pounds-that's a lot of strawberries!
5. In just a couple short weeks, my friend Katie is coming to visit from New York City!  I am so excited for her to meet Madison and for us to be able to hang out.  Katie and I met in 2003, during the College Program at Disney World.  We worked at Pinocchio's Village House, a restaurant in the Magic Kingdom.  We have stayed in touch throughout the years and visited each other.  Last November, I went to NYC to visit Katie and had a wonderful trip.  Looking forward to getting to see her again this year, although I doubt a trip to Houston is as exciting as a trip to NYC. ;)

                           2004 @ Disney World 
                             2008 @ my wedding
                             2010 @ Texas
                          2012 @ NYC


  1. hello from the linkup! glad i stopped by! :) your little one is so cute...and that special PB looks SOOOO yummy!


    1. Thanks Elise! I love your post from today. Your house is beautiful! I have enjoyed reading different 31 days posts that people have been doing. I especially love your topic of being intentional. Can't wait to read more!

  2. Madison is such a little doll! I remember when my daughter Paisley was that small and suddenly I wake up and she is 9 months! Its not fair how fast they grow up! I cried a lot when we hit "big" milestones and when Paisley outgrew her NB clothes. It gets easier Momma :) Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. ;) She started smiling this week, which makes me so happy!

  3. Aww she is so cute! 6 weeks is a milestone for sure. It is nutty how fast they grow. I'm still in denial that I have a month and a half until mine is 1. Nope, nope. Can't be. Oy.
    And, Aria had that onesie at the top left =) I love love that owl one too.

    1. People have always told me how fast things go when kids are born and they were right! I love the owl is so hard to not buy every cute outfit for little girls.

  4. Ummm, that Carter's commercial gets me EVERY time!!! Talk about good marketing - going after the hormonal new moms! :) After Reid was born there was a Pamper's commercial that made me cry too! Madison is so cute and you look beautiful! I can't believe she's 6 weeks old!

    1. I saw another commercial this morning that got me. It was for Johnson and Johnson...these companies are definitely hitting their target audience!

  5. Peanut Butter & Co is so delicious :) I love the chocolate one, too! Sometimes for a special treat I fix my kiddos a "chocolate sandwich" for lunch using that PB - have you tried the cinnamon raisin one?!

    Hope you have a GREAT weekend!
    Miranda :

  6. I love the photos of you and your little girl. she is so sweet and how cute are those outfits! Everyone says that the time goes by very quickly with a newborn. As I was reading your #1 I was thinking it was like yesterday I was reading how the baby was the size of a blueberry!!! It must be the best feeling in the world when you see her sweet little face smiling at you :)

    I will get all teary eyed too so on to that peanut looks delicious!!! Also the strawberries and whip cream sounds yummy too!! I am on a kick of eating grapes.

    Love the pictures. That's so nice that your going to get to visit with your friend soon.

    Hope you had a great weekend.

  7. Hey mama!
    Your little doll is precious. My son is almost 2 and I still wonder where the time went. My hub and I talk about it on the daily.

    White chocolate PB sounds delish and OMG the carter's commercial gets me EVERY TIME.
    Found you via the link up..

