Friday, November 20, 2015

Sweet Caroline {12 Days}

Oh sweet are just a dream!   You have instantly made your way into all our hearts. I still can't believe that we are a family of 4 and have two sweet girls. 

We came home from the hospital on Tuesday, November 10th around dinner time. We were greeted by Lolli, Pops and big sister Madison.  We ate dinner as a family of 4 and spent lots of time with Madison. 

Thursday morning, we went to the doctor for Caroline's 2 day check up. She weighed 7lbs 8oz, almost back to her birth weight of 7lbs 10oz. We ended up bringing Madison also because she has had a cough for 3 weeks. Turns out she had a sinus infection and the beginnings of an ear infection. 

Our first outing as a family of 4!

Saturday and Sunday, Eric was gone all day for a class. He is beginning a Physical Therapy Fellowship program, which will last 3 years. We always say he is a lifetime student...apparently a Doctorate degree isn't enough for him. ;) Thankfully his program is in Houston, which is wonderful since there are only 22 programs across the entire United States. He will be going to class 1 weekend every 6-8 weeks and the first class happened to fall the week we had Caroline. 

I was able to manage 2 kiddos by myself for a couple hours both mornings...winning! My parents came and stayed with us during the day. They were such a huge help!

Eric decided to take off work Monday to have 1 extra day at home. We started the morning by taking family and newborn pictures. I am hoping some turned out well! It was so humid, so my hair was a mess. Caroline had a huge blow out diaper 10 minutes in and Madison was playing shy. She loved looking for frogs in the pond!

Tuesday through Friday, Caroline and I were on our own! Eric went back to work and Madison was at school. We had a calm, uneventful week full of feeding, sleeping and snuggling on the couch. 

Madison has definitely been going through a transition the past couple weeks. I keep thinking a lot of it was her not feeling well, because our last 2 days have been better. She will be perfectly fine one minute, then all of a sudden she will not listen/tell us no/start crying/throw a tantrum. We really haven't ever seen this behavior from her, so we are trying to figure out the best way to work through this. Bedtime has been rough...We sit in Madison's room for a few minutes each night while she goes to sleep. The past 2 weeks, she will refuse to get in her bed. I end up leaving each night because she isn't listening after many attempts/warnings. Madison cries...I hasn't been good. I end up going back after about 30 minutes to give her a kiss and pray for both of us. 

We have been trying to spend time with Madison alone each night while Caroline sleeps, have extra patience and consistency. We are really at a loss and hope we come to the other side of this sibling/ 2 year old transition before long. Madison and I went for a walk yesterday and her and Eric went to the Katy football game tonight. 

Caroline is going with the flow and getting use to life at home. We have been feeding and sleeping on demand, but she has kind of put herself on a 2.5-3 hour eating schedule already. At night, she usually eats around 10:00pm, 2:00am and 6:00am. It really only feels like we are waking up once during the night, which is great.

We are working through some spit up issues. After Caroline eats, we have to have her sit up on our shoulder for about 15 minutes. She has had a few projectile spit up incidents where it comes spewing out her mouth and nose. We are starting to recognize when it is starting, so we can sit her up and get ready to catch. ;)

The best part of this week has been seeing Madison become a big sister. She loves holding and kissing Caroline. She loves to see Caroline every morning and when she gets home from school. I can't wait to continue to watch their relationship grow over the years. 

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