Sunday, November 8, 2015

39 Weeks {Last Pregnancy Update}

We made it to 39 weeks with sweet Caroline! The past couple weeks have been an adventure and I am so thankful to have gotten to this point. We will go in tomorrow morning, November 9th, to be induced!


Past Week: This past week was my first full week of being on bedrest. Monday, I came down with a nasty stomach virus that Madison had last week and my parents had this weekend. A stomach bug at 38 weeks pregnant is no joke! I felt like it took me until Friday to fully recover. 

I went to the dr on Friday and my blood pressure was a little high. The dr started to discuss different delivery options and we decided that Caroline is a healthy size and I was a good candidate for an induction. I am already dilated to 2cm, so hopefully things will go smoothly. I have had tons of anxiety about labor this time, which I never had with Madison. As soon and the dr set the induction for Monday, tons of my anxiety went away. 

Preparing: We spent the weekend doing a few last minute things and spending tons of time with Madison. I think we are as ready as we can be! Clothes are washed, baby bed is ready, laundry and dishes are done, bathrooms are clean! Eric and my parents have been a huge help the past 10 days as I have been on bedrest. Madison loves playing with Caroline's things!

Big Sister: It has not set in that Madison is going to be a big sister. She was playing with some of Caroline's stuff today and I looked at her and thought that she still seems so little. I can't wait for the moment when Madison gets to meet Caroline. We have talked about to, but I don't think she understands that there is actually a baby in my belly and Caroline will get to come home with us. She has definitely been extra loving this week, wanting to cuddle with us and always wanting to "sit with the mommy" on the couch. 

Final Night: We have to be at the hospital at 5am, so we took Madison to my parents house for the night. She didn't bat and eye when we left. Eric and I went to dinner, came home to finish a few things and are hoping we can sleep a little tonight. 

The dr said he expects a baby by dinner time, so hopefully that is the case! Madison was an overachiever...I went from 1cm dilated to holding her in my arms in 3 hours. Here's to hoping for a quick, smooth delivery, as little pain as possible and my ability to cope with the pain. Once we get to see Caroline, it will be worth the wait!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the induction tomorrow. I can't believe you are already 39 weeks!
