Saturday, September 5, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday Madison!

Happy Birthday sweet girl! You are an absolute joy to everyone around you. You are smart, talkative, funny and kind. It is unbelievable that you are 2 years old. 

Mommy and Daddy still remember the second you were born and you laid on Mommy's chest. We are looking forward to enjoying the next 2 months with our family of 3 before we welcome Caroline. I know you will be a wonderful big sister and teach Caroline how to be sweet, just like you. 

Right now, Mommy is sitting in your room as you fall asleep. As I was putting you in bed, I told you how special you are to us and we are so thankful to have you as our baby. You looked me in the eye, kissed my lips and now Mommy can't stop crying. We love you sweet girl!

One thing we love most about you is your smile that lights up the room. Especially when you say "cheese"!

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