Sunday, September 27, 2015

32/33 Weeks with Caroline

Time is flying by all of a sudden! We will meet our sweet girl in 6-7 weeks. We are going tomorrow for a 3D ultrasound. I can't wait to see if Caroline looks like Madison. Here is a picture from Madison's 3D ultrasound:

Baby's size- Baby girl is 17 inches long and 4 pounds in weight. Caroline is growing about 1/2 lb a week and the size of a pineapple!

Movement- Caroline is a mover and a shaker! I love to feel her move. Madison wasn't ever much of a mover, so this has been exciting. As of now, Caroline is still breech. Her head is by my left rib, butt by my belly button and feet by my right hip. Sometimes at night when I'm laying on my side, the bed will shake because Caroline kicks so hard or has a big movement. 

How I'm feeling- I have really been feeling wonderful! The Braxton hicks contractions have picked up big time the past 10 days. I mostly feel them around dinner time, after being worn out from work. I think I have experienced nesting recently... another thing I never experienced with Madison. We have been working on getting Madison all the way moved into her big girl room, cleaning Caroline's room, getting the crib back together and washing newborn clothes. We washed the 0-3 month pajamas today. They are so sweet!

Dr Visits- I went this week for a regular visit and everything looked great. Still holding steady at 8.6 pounds gained. Caroline is measuring right on track with a strong heartbeat. I am now going to the dr every 2 weeks, then start once a week appointments towards the end of October. 

Preparations- We are almost done with Caroline's room. The crib is ready and the closet and dresser are cleaned out. I started washing newborn pajamas today and will work on clothes throughout the week. I forgot how tiny and adorable baby clothes are! It is exciting to look through and see things I remember Madison wearing. 

Big Sister Madison- Madison got to feel Caroline kick for the first time last week. Every morning, she loves coming into our bed and feeling my belly. One day, Caroline kicked. Madison pulled her hand away and said "mommy, what's that?!" It was really cute. 

Madison had a little trouble with the idea of Caroline sleeping in her crib. We have been trying to redirect her and remind her about her big girl room. Madison has fully transitioned to her big girl bed and has done fabulous! She loves being able to have all her baby dolls and stuffed animals in her bed. 

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