Monday, August 3, 2015

24 Weeks with Baby Sister

Oh sweet baby, things are starting to get so real! I cannot believe that I have already been pregnant for 24 (now 25) weeks. This pregnancy has absolutely flown by, much due to having a busy toddler to run around with. Here's an update on this sweet baby girl that is making her presence known more and more each day...

Baby's size- Baby girl is 13.5 inches long and 1.5 pounds in weight. The baby is growing about 1/4 lb a week!

Movement- Baby girl has started moving so much lately! I mostly feel movement at night when I am laying down, especially between 10pm and midnight. She loves to come towards the outside of my stomach when I lay down. I am amazed how low she stays. I have only felt her come around my belly button a couple times.  I don't feel too much movement during to day, but it's a party every night!

How I'm feeling- Great! These 100 degree days have been a little rough, but as long as I stay cool and hydrated, I do well. 

Dr Visits- I went this week for a follow-up anatomy scan. This baby has been head down and SO low that the ultrasound tech had trouble getting some measurements the first time. This week, the baby was breech, so we go some beautiful profile shots. I think baby girl has those Konesheck lips like Madison. I go back in another month for another ultrasound. We also confirmed that the baby is 100% girl!

Preparations- We need to get going...This week is my last Friday off before we start working 5 days a week. I am planning to send Madison to school and spend the day cleaning out both hall linen closets and the closet in Madison's  new room. I also want Eric to get the newborn clothes out of the attic this weekend so we can start going through them. Knowing that we are having another girl sure does make preparations easier! 

Big Sister Madison- When you ask Madison what the baby's name should be, she says "it's Gabby Madison". Gabby is a friend in her class and obviously she just thinks Madison is a good name. It's cracks me up!

We went to visit Brandi and Drew this past weekend. Madison was able to spend time with their boys, one who is 5 months old. She was so sweet with the baby, rubbing his feet, giving him toys and telling him "it's ok baby" when he would cry. I can't wait to see her as a big sister! 

We have been trying to spend more time in Madison's big girl room. She hasn't slept in there yet, but she has moved in some toys and we picked out a few pictures for the room. 

Baby Name- This is still a decision to be made. I wrote down all the names we have tossed around hung them on the fridge. We are pretty set on the middle name of Charlene, for Nana Konesheck. I think our top names choices right now are Hannah, Caroline, Kaitlyn and Claire. We were going through names tonight and Madison kept saying "Carayine", so I'm guessing she liked Caroline tonight. 

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