Monday, July 27, 2015

Madison's Big Girl Bed

It has been about 10 days since Madison started sleeping in her "big girl bed" and she is transitioning like a champ! We took the front off her crib and added the toddler rail. We also started giving her a big pillow, which she loves! 

June and July were interesting months for sleeping for Madison. We were gone on vacation for about 13 days total, in which she was sleeping in her pack and play. The week before and the week after vacation, we had a few days both weeks that Madison had a 101-102 degree fever, which also messed with her sleep. We have spent many nights sitting in her room as she falls asleep, which never happens. Despite these disruptions, she has done amazing at transitioning and is very proud of her big girl bed. 

The first night, I sat in her room for 1.5 hours. I kept telling her lay down, close your eyes, go night night. Each day since then has gotten a little better. She knows we don't sit in her room during nap time and she falls asleep just fine. We are down to sitting in her room for about 15 minutes at night, then leaving whether she is asleep or not. If she cries, I get on the monitor and tell her "go night night, mommy and daddy love you". It usually only takes once and she goes right to sleep! 

The funniest part is that Madison doesn't realize she can get out of her bed on her own. She will call us every morning when she is ready to get out of bed. I think we will keep this little secret for as long as we can. ;) 

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