Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Konesheck Family Weekend

This past weekend, we went to stay with Eric's parents in Katy. His younger brother, Darren, is getting married at the end of the month, so I went to a bridal shower for Shannon yesterday. We had such a fun weekend with his family. Since Michael and Heather are moving to Austin in a few weeks, this was our last weekend in Katy with them. Madison loved getting to spend time with her family!

                   We played outside...

We made sure the twins didn't jump in the pool...

         We ate Nana banana pudding...

            We played putt putt golf...

             We spent time with Nana...

We had a slumber party with Tegan and Cainan....

We had lots of laughs with Uncle David...

We expanded our summer wardrobe        thanks to Aunt KayKay...

We didn't get any pictures at the shower, but I am sure some with be posted on Facebook soon!

These pictures aren't from this weekend, but we had so much fun sitting in the backyard Monday afternoon! Madison has discovered birds all of a sudden. She loves watching them on the power lines behind our backyard. 


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