Friday, March 28, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday friends! I am very happy it's Friday, but that means we are one day closer to STAAR testing on Tuesday. Here's to being very productive and intentional with my time at work today! 

1. Madison wasn't feeling well this week and had her first fever. She was congested all weekend, but still her happy self. After lunch on Monday, Eric got a call from the daycare saying that Madiosn had a 103 degree fever, so he went to pick her up. Even with a fever and not feeling well, she smiled as soon as I saw her in the afternoon. 

2. Eric and I were so thankful to have help from my parents this week! Madison was supposed to get her 6 month shots on Tuesday and was going to stay home with my dad that day. Instead, he stayed with her since she had a fever. They had a great day and he took good care of her. Thursday afternoon, my mom picked Madison up from school while I was working at the job fair for our district. We are so thankful to have my parents close by and to have their help with Madiosn. I don't think they mind. :)

3. This month is considered my "busy season" at work. We have state testing in April, which I am in charge of coordinating as the assistant principal. I have been working like crazy to get everything prepared the past few weeks and I am tired! I have been working on 5-6 hours of sleep each night. I can't wait until Monday night when I know everything is ready to go and I can take a deep breath. 

4. All of a sudden, I feel like Madison is changing and looks very grown up! She isn't officially sitting up, but she sure practices! 

5. April is going to be a very full month for us! We are celebrating Eric's 30th birthday, his younger brothers wedding, my school carnival, Easter, 4 days of state testing, a wedding shower and Michael & Heather moving to Austin. Through all the events, I am looking forward to time with family and many firsts for Madison. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG. Madison is adorable! Hope she is all better now! have a great weekend :-)
