Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's for Madison's Class

One thing I love about Madison's daycare is that they do such fun things for each month and holiday.  At the beginning of the month, the teachers decorate the room with a "theme" for the month and make some type of art using each baby's hands or feet.  You better believe we still have Madison's Christmas art on the refrigerator...proud parents, party of 2!

Earlier this week, her teachers gave me a list of the babies in the class so we could bring Valentine's on Friday if we wanted.  My heart was melting!  That night, I scoured Pinterest to find a cute idea.  Here are a few of the ideas I found for her class.  She is still in the infant class, so the age range is from 2-7 months.

In the end, Madison and I decided to get her friends some baby food, since she has been enjoying it so much lately.  One of her favorite foods is sweet potatoes and she thinks her friends are so sweet! I made a tag for the squeeze packets of baby food and attached it with curling ribbon to fancy it up a little.

We are so lucky that Madison has 3 teachers who take such good care of her during the day.  We gave each teacher a small gift card to Starbucks to thank them a "latte".

Happy Valentine's Day from The Konesheck's!

1 comment:

  1. Such activities help so many kids develop a creative side of their own. Loved each and everything made by them. I even went to an exhibition on valentine’s day in one of the New York Event Venues where kids displayed their art work and all of these were mind-blowing!
