Friday, February 14, 2014

{Five on Friday:Valentine's Day}

Happy Valentines Day!  Hope you get to spend some time with the friends and family you love.  I am looking forward to dinner at home with Madison and Eric tonight.

1. Happy Valentine's Day from the best Valentine a mom could ask for!  Madison is having a small "party" in her class this afternoon and she is so excited!  I am excited that we have early dismissal at school today, so hopefully I will be able to leave school a little earlier than normal.

2. Madison made Valentine's cards and gifts for her friends to let them know how sweet they are to her.  She picked sweet potatoes since they are one of her favorite foods.

3. Madison also wanted to thank her teachers a "latte" for all they do each day.  They are so sweet to her.  I can tell they genuinely like her and look forward to seeing her each day.

4. This week Madison finally mastered rolling in both directions and is quickly discovering rolling can get her places.  She gets so excited when she rolls over.  The funny part is that she will only roll to her right side, so she will often get up against the couch and not understand why she can't roll over anymore.

5.  After a long day at school, Madison wasn't able to stay awake for dinner.  She started to look sleepy in her high chair one night while I was feeding her.  Once she fell asleep, she kept waking up to take a bite, but finally gave in and took a cat nap in her high chair.


  1. What a beautiful little girl and those valentines are awesome.

  2. Visiting from the link up. She is too precious for words!!!!

  3. As a former teacher, I know those teachers will LOVE and SO APPRECIATE that sweet V-day gift!!! Love your heart! xx

  4. Love the valentine gift idea for the kiddos! And the teachers - I'm sure they could use a coffee after a long day with those precious little ones =)
