Wednesday, June 19, 2013

27 Weeks

June 13, 2013

Baby news: Our baby girl is 14.8 inches and 2.25 pounds!

How far along? 27 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 10 pounds

Sleep: This week was the first week of no kids at school. Therefore, it was a little more relaxed. I slept so good this week! I think if I could sleep until 7am everyday I would be so much happier. =)

Best moment this week: We celebrated my 29th birthday! It was such a nice day and I was spoiled at school. That night we went to The Cheesecake Factory with my parents and grandparents. It was delicious! Heather and the kids also came out to visit on Saturday. We had a great day! The kids enjoyed fishing at my parents house. Heather, Tegan and I went to get pedicures while my parents and Eric stayed with the boys. It was such a nice treat!

Cravings: After my birthday all I can think about is that delicious cheesecake!

Movement: I am starting to feel some bigger movements.  I still love it every time she moves. 

Wedding rings: Still on, although I have found myself not wearing them all day on the weekend since we are out and about a lot.

Mood: So happy that summer is here! I am looking forward to being able to take things slower and relax more. 

Looking forward to: Next weekend we are going to celebrate Father's Day!

Anything Else?? I passed my glucose test! I didn't think I would fail, but it is good to know for sure and have one less thing to worry about. 

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