Thursday, June 6, 2013

26 Weeks

June 6, 2013

Baby news: Our baby girl is 14 inches and 2 pounds!

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 9.5 pounds

Sleep: Sleeping is becoming a little frustrating. I am so tired, but constantly waking up to roll over. I have been having pretty bad back/sciatica pain...I'm hoping my live in physical therapist can help me out. =)

Best moment this week: We made some good progress on the nursery. It looks so cute! We went on Sunday and got a dresser and my parents bought us a crib mattress. Eric finished painting and my dad helped him put together the crib and dresser. I also got an early birthday present from my parents. They gave us my old cradle for us to use for Madison. It is amazing how good it looks 29 years later. It matches our crib perfectly and was a great addition to the nursery. They also gave me the bedding for the crib. It worked out perfectly to put the nursery together.

Cravings: I've been back in a food funk this week. Nothing sounds good. =(

Movement: Wednesday was a party in my belly! I had my glucose test that morning and Madison really liked the lemon lime sugar drink. She went crazy all day, it was so much fun getting to feel her move that much!

Wedding rings: Still on, although I have found myself not wearing them all day on the weekend since we are out and about a lot.

Mood: I can't complain... I feel great besides a little back pain. I feel like I'm slowing down as it heats up outside, but I still get things taken care of.

Looking forward to: I'm ready to start summer vacation! Looking forward to 5 weeks of relaxation and a slower pace.

Anything Else?? I went to my new doctor this week, the 4th doctor of the pregnancy. =) He is with a UTMB group that is near our house. He is very nice with a calm manner. Eric came to the appointment, but had to leave before we saw the dr. I had to do my glucose test, so it took some time to meet with the nurse and start drinking the drink. I'm hoping that everything comes back good with my 1 hour glucose test. I had to drink a sugary lemon lime drink, wait an hour and have my blood drawn. Everything else with the appointment went well. My belly is measuring right on track, little girls heartbeat was 157 and she kept kicking the doppler monitor.

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