Wednesday, April 10, 2013

13 Week Update

March 7, 2013

How far along? 13 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: No gain or loss. We leave for Disney World today...I'm sure I will make up for it. =)
Sleep: Sleeping has been wonderful! I love getting to go to bed each night. =)
Best moment this week: I went on Tuesday for a genetic ultrasound. It was wonderful to get to see our baby growing and see how much it changed in just a week! The baby was measuring 5 cm last Tuesday and measuring over 7cm today! The baby was laying on its belly, jumping around and trying to suck its thumb. It is so amazing!
Miss Anything? Not really, I am so happy to be pregnant that I have been able to easily give up most stuff.
Movement: Every now and then I feel a little something that feels like a bubble. Not sure if that could be movement or not.
Food cravings: Not really any foods, but I can't get enough milk. I have been wanting things I usually don't want such as popcorn and eggs.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I think this question may go away in the next week or two. I have been so lucky to not have much sickness throughout my pregnancy.
Have you started to show yet? Things are changing, but I don't think I'm officially showing.
Gender prediction: We both think boy but will find out for sure on April 15th
Wedding rings: still on, no swelling.
Mood: I've been feeling great! People kept saying things would start to get better around the 2nd trimester and they are right.
Looking forward to: Disney World! We are heading to Orlando today with Eric's family for Spring Break. We will celebrate our 5 year anniversary while we are there and reveal our pregnancy to's not official until its Facebook official. =)

Here is a picture of the baby from this week...look how much it grew! You can see the spine on the top. The baby was laying on its belly today. =)

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