Wednesday, April 10, 2013

12 Week Update

February 28, 2013

How far along? 12 weeks! We are so excited and thankful to have made it to the elusive "12 week" mark
Total weight gain/loss: Sill hanging at about a 1.5-2 pound loss. I think I am becoming a little less bloated and my lack of eating is showing a little. Disney World is coming....I'm sure I will make up for it. =)
Sleep: Sleeping great most of the time! I have to go to the bathroom at 11 &'s like clockwork!
Best moment this week: I went to my first appointment with my OB. The appointment went great! I had a quick ultrasound, but the pictures weren't great since it was a portable machine. We are able to see the profile, forehead and nose on one of the pictures, so that was wonderful!
Miss Anything? Not really, I am so happy to be pregnant that I have been able to easily give up most stuff.
Movement: No, still way to early.
Food cravings: Not really any foods, but I can't get enough milk. I have always been a water drinker, but it has been on a new level lately.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have seen a huge improvement in my nausea. I'm still not always hungry for dinner, but I don't think I felt queasy at all this week.
Have you started to show yet? Things are changing, but I don't think I'm officially showing.
Gender prediction: I think it is a boy, Eric changed to team pink this week.
Wedding rings: still on, no swelling.
Mood: I've been feeling great! I'm starting to get back my energy, so that has been nice. I get worn out easier than I did 3 months ago, but I don't have the sheer exhaustion I have been facing.
Looking forward to: Disney World! We are heading to Orlando with Eric's family for Spring Break. We will celebrate our 5 year anniversary while we are there and reveal our pregnancy to's not official until its Facebook official. =)
Anything Else??? We get to find out the sex of the baby on April 15th! It will be here before we know it, then let the buying begin!

Here is a very grainy picture from the ultrasound:

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