Monday, July 18, 2011

Week in Review: Week 4

I have been a bad blogger...or I have been having too much fun this summer.  We will go with the second!  So, I am 3 weeks behind with my summer updates, but they have been fun filled weeks and I haven't had much time to sit down and write.  So, here it goes!

Monday and Tuesday I went to a class with the Two Chics, Becky Koesel and Elizabeth Martin.  I LOVE these ladies!  They are gurus on Readers and Writers Workshop.  We have been fortunate enough to have both ladies comes to our school many times this year and I have learned so much from them.  After teaching for 5 years, it is nice to be able to refine certain parts of my teaching and continue to improve and challenge my kiddos.  I think I secretly like these ladies so much because they always have cute handouts, fonts, school supplies and the give us colored handouts!  The best part of the workshop was that I went with some of my favorite teacher friends from school.  That made it even better!

Wednesday was my weekly swimming outing to my pool with Leslie, Hayden and Adyson.  Always a fun day!

Thursday Leslie, the girls and I went to try a new cupcake place we had heard of, The Naked Cupcake.  Eric thinks the name is just hilarious!  The concept is that you pick your flavor of cupcake and frosting, then decorate it yourself with sprinkles.  So much fun!  That afternoon, my parents come out to got o dinner before they left for Las Vegas that weekend.  We went to Sudies, one of my dad's favorite seafood restaurants in our area. 

Friday was spent getting ready to go to the lake house.  We had not planned to go to the lake, but at the last minute Eric decided to go since his Nana was going to be there.  I stayed around the house, did some laundry, made cake balls that failed but made up for it by making some tasty sangria!  When Eric got home, we left for the long, 4.5 hour drive to Lake LBJ in Austin.  When we arrived to the lake, the air conditioner was broken!  It was too miserable to sleep. so we stayed outside until 3am while the repairman fixed the air.  Long night!

Saturday and Sunday were spent sunning, swimming, relaxing and boating.  It was wonderful!  Eric cooked all weekend and did a great job!

The event of next week was the real reason why I haven't blogged in a few weeks...Tegan and Cainan each came to spend a few days with us. =)

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