Monday, July 18, 2011

Fourth of July

Happy 4th of July!

                                                   small 16 x 20 independence day word art

   Fourth of July has been a favorite holiday of mine for many years...13 to be exact =)  On July 4, 1998 Eric and I started dating!  It has been a long time and we are more happy now than I cold have ever imagined!  13 years ago we went to The Miller's house and went to watch fireworks.  That's how we spent our first date that summer.  I wish I had the first picture of us, but it is somewhere at my parents house.  I sill remember it though; we were sitting on the back porch at Mrs. Miller's blowing bubbles. 
    13 years later, we have been through Katy High School, Texas A&M, UHCL and UTMB!  It has been an amazing 13 years and does not seem that long at all.  I can't wait to see what the next 13 years will bring for us!

    On another note, July 4th also celebrates 1 year ago that Leslie and I left to go to New York for Teacher's College at Columbia University.  That was the only 4th of July that I haven't been with Eric, but it was an amazing 4th getting to celebrate in New York City!  Leslie and I did what all good Americans do on 4th of July, we went shopping in Harold Square to the big Macys!  We spent hours in H&M, Old Navy and walking around town.  After a long day of travel and shopping, we opted out of going to watch fireworks.  Instead, we went back to our hotel, ate cupcakes and watched the fireworks on tv.  It was amazing!

(Sorry Leslie, since we took pictures of each other, I don't have one of me!)

We spent this 4th of July driving back from the lake house.  At the last minute, we decided to stop in Katy and bring Tegan back to our house for a few days.  We stayed in Katy to watch fireworks with Michael, Heather, Tegan and Cainan at Katy Mills Mall.  It was SO hot!  After many hours, fireworks were over, traffic had cleared out and we headed back to Clear Lake with Tegan.  It was another wonderful 4th of July!

P.S.  Pictures are to come, but they are being slow emailing from my phone.

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