Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Start of a New Tradition

    The second weekend in December brought Eric and me a small taste of parenthood... Tegan came to stay with us for the weekend so us girls could go to the Nutcracker.  We spent Saturday with Uncle Eric and he left that night to go hunting with his UTMB boys.  Saturday night we went with Leslie, Jonathan and their girls to the Festival of Lights in Dickinson. It was an amazing display of lights along a trail through the park.  The kids had a great time and Tegan's favorite part was getting to ride the school bus.

 Sunday morning started a wonderful day of memories.  From the moment we woke-up,Tegan wanted to get dressed since she had a new outfit to wear.  I was able to hold her off until about noon.  After getting dressed, we did a driving tour of Galveston so she could see the beach, the cruise ships and Uncle Eric's school.  When it was time, we met Leslie, her mom and Hayden at the Grand 1894 Opera House in Galveston.  It was my first time to go there, so that was neat.  We took some great pictures of all us girl's dressed up.  Once the show started, Tegan was so intrigued by the whole show.  It was so much fun to watch her get excited about the dancers.  About 10 minutes in, she told me that she really liked the show and she thinks we should do that again.  It made my heart melt!  It was a tradition that I hope to keep going for many years. 

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