Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Graduate Student of the Year

     Now that we are coming to the end of 2010, I finally have some time to catch-up on the many exciting events of the past few weeks.  On December 8th, I had the opportunity to attend a ceremony with my parents, Eric and my principal, Dr. Susan Scurry.  I was chosen as the UHCL Graduate Student of the Year for 2010.  When I first received the information to apply for this award, I never thought in a million years that I would actually be chosen!
     For the ceremony, I was able to invite some people to attend with me.  I brought my parents, Eric and Susan, the main people who have supported me through my graduate school.  Other people who attended the ceremony were the Wilson's, the couple who provide the scholarship for the award, the Dean of the School of Education and the President of UHCL.  It was quite an honor to receive such an award and be in the company of such wonderful people.  Here are a few pictures of the ceremony:

 Eric brought me flowers

 My parents, Eric and me with The Wilson's

 Susan and me with the Wilson's

The President of UHCL and the Dean of the School of Education 

1 comment:

  1. You are so deserving. will be an excellent administrator. No doubt.
