Monday, October 7, 2013

Madison's 1st Month

It is hard to believe that it has been a month since our little princess joined our family!  On the other hand, it seems like she has been here forever. We took her 1 month pictures, but I am still working on getting some things together that we want to include in her monthly posts.  Hopefully I will get it all together in the next couple days.   Here's a little recap of our first month home:

  • We stayed in the hospital Friday night, but came home quickly after Madison was born.  We left the hospital around noon on Saturday to head home.
  • Eric stayed home the first week after Madison was born.  That was such a fun time for us.  While we had ideas of what our plan was going to be, we quickly learned we weren't the ones making the plans anymore.
  • The first few nights home were long.  Madison stayed up until 3am, until we figured out she must have her days and nights mixed up.  We tried hard to get her to stay awake for longer periods during the day, and this solved the problem.
  • We took Madison to the pediatrician when she was 4 days old.  He was wonderful!  He answered all our questions and spent over 30 minutes just talking and finding out about us personally. Madison was slightly jaundice, so we had to increase her feedings.  She weighed 7lbs 6oz.
  • We had lots of wonderful visitors the first week! It was so fun to see family & friends while showing off Madison.
  • Eric went back to work our 2nd week home.  The first few days were very hard.  I was still trying to figure out how to be a mommy and I missed the time we got to spend together the week before. My parents were live savers this week and helped me daily!
  • We went back to the doctor that week for Madison's 2 week check-up.  She weighed in at 8lbs 5oz...someone had a growth spurt!  She had a very bad diaper rash, which was actually a fungal infection.  We got some cream to hopefully clear it up.
  • Week 3 started off much better than week 2.  I was able to get myself and Madison ready by 10am and we headed to Old Navy...our first outing just the 2 of us!  We tried to get out a little each day, even if it was just to drive through Sonic or CVS.
  • On Saturday night of week 3, my parents watched Madison while Eric and I went out for a date night.  It was so nice to be together just the 2 of us.  When we are with Madison, we are constantly wanting to make sure she is ok and trying to keep up with other household things.  It was fun to have some time to just focus on each other and talk about our little lady.  We went to Lupe Tortilla and Marble Slab...then rushed home to see Madison.
  • There have been 2 days that Madison has had terribly not normal says.  She will fuss all day, especially when laying down to eat, doesn't sleep well and spits up often.  The only correlation we have figured out is that this has happened both times that I have eaten Mexican food.  Looks like we will need to lay off the Mexican food for a while!
  • Week 4 we really found our groove.  I even ventured to take Madison to Target and the walk around the outlet mall.  It was nice to get out of the house and feel confident about going places with her.
  • Madison went to her first birthday party!  This past Saturday we went to Katy to celebrate Cainan's 5th birthday and Brennin & Westin's 1st birthday.  We survived the drive and long period of time away from home!

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