Monday, August 12, 2013

34 & 35 Weeks

August 1 & 8,2013

Baby news: Our baby is 18.5 inches and 5.75 pounds!

How far along? 35 weeks- Madison's birthday is quickly approaching!

Total weight gain/loss: 15 pounds...silly as it may sound, I have lost track of the exact amount since I go twice a week. I have been fluctuating up or down a couple pounds the last 2 weeks. 

Sleep: Thankfully I have been sleeping a little better. I still wake up every 1-2 hours and rolling over is extremely painful. I am thankful that I have been feeling more rested lately. We have had a few days on the weekend where we just stay home all day and I will take at least a couple naps. 

Best moment this week: A couple weeks ago we had an amazing baby shower thrown by Georgina, Leslie, Carol and Heather. We were showered with love and presents for Madison! The whole weekend was fun and we enjoyed getting to see many special people in our lives. My Aunt Donna, Uncle Mike and Meme came and stayed with my parents. We had Brandi, Drew, Tripp, Brody, and Michael and Heather's crew stay at our house...yes...that's 10 people staying at our house. 😉

We also celebrated my moms birthday with a Bachelorette finale party! We enjoyed chicken and rice & bundt cakes for dessert. 

Cravings: Orange juice! We bought two cartons at the store this week, hopefully that will last the week! A few weeks ago when Madison wasn't moving much I had to drink a lot of orange juice over a 2 day period. Apparently it turned into a craving. 

Movement: Madison has been moving a lot better since I have been getting monitored twice a week. She isn't making as many kicks, but there are tons of huge movements across my whole stomach. I am nothing but baby now! I feel her everywhere in my stomach. 

Wedding rings/Swelling: Rings are officially off. 😔 It has been so HOT lately that I can't stand to have much jewelry on. Still no true swelling, but it is definitely hot outside!

Mood: I have been trying to stay positive. Most days are good, but there are starting to be some tough days. I keep reminding myself how fast the next 5 weeks will go. I have slowed down within the past week and I'm finally having to admit to myself that I need more help and can't do as much as I would like to be doing. My parents and Eric have been great helping me get things done. 

Looking forward to: Slowly there are more people coming back to school. It is nice to see more of the teachers and I can't wait to see the kids on the first day of school. We are supposed to get another ultrasound in the next couple weeks, so I can't wait to see Madison again. I keep trying to figure out where all her body parts are as she moves around. 

Anything Else?? My doctor's visits have been going well. It takes some planning to be able to go twice a week with being back at work, but it makes me feel better to get Madison checked on. The day after my mom's birthday (Tuesday 8/6) I went to the doctor. I didn't feel great and was really tired. I was monitored for about 30 minutes and the nurse said Madison wasn't showing what they like to see, so the nurse had me lay on my side and drink some water. She moved a little but not much. After a few more minutes, the dr came in and said he was going to shock her to get her moving. I barely had time to ask what that meant before he did it! He took this little thing that looks like a microdermabrasion buzzer for your face and buzzed my stomach. She went crazy! You can see on the the left of the writing is before the shock and to the right is after the shock. She has been much more cooperative since then!

Here are some more pictures from the past 2 weeks. 

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