Friday, June 20, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday friends! Madison and I have enjoyed our first week of summer vacation. We are slowly starting to get used to being home with each other and making a plan for the days. 

{1} Monday and Tuesday were a little rough as we both figured out our new normal. Madison is used to only seeing me for a few minutes in the morning before I go to work, so she was a little confused. ;) it took a couple days to get her back into her nap routine that she was on at school. She is also getting 2 teeth, so I am guessing those are hurting.

Madison has her first trip to Chik-fil-a!

This was the only way she would nap Tuesday heart was melting. 

 One big success was that we managed to go grocery shopping just the two of us! That is the first time we have done that...Madison is 9 months old. 

{2} We have enjoyed playing to our hearts content! Madison loves her stand and play table and her books this week. I put all her blocks and rings into a plastic bucket and she thinks that is the best thing ever! 

{3} We have spent a lot of our time swimming! Madison loves the water, so we have been swimming 4 days since Saturday. We bought an 8 foot blowup pool for the backyard that we have been playing in. We ventured to the neighborhood pool twice and Madison loved it! 

Suns up, pools open!

{4} Madison is such a mess lately and it cracks me up! She is getting very adventurous and doesn't get scared by much. This is her preferred method to get in and out of her toy car...yes, there is a door on the other side. 9 months has been so much fun so far! 

Here is her 9 month memory page. 

{5} Last weekend we had a great time celebrating Father's Day. We started with waffle for breakfast. Eric got a waffle iron a few weeks ago and we have enjoyed getting to try it out. We didn't get a picture from that morning, but here is one from my birthday a couple weeks ago. 

In the afternoon, we went to my parents for dinner with Lolli Pops, GiGi and PePe. 

Here's to a great weekend, full of swimming I'm sure! 

1 comment:

  1. Madison has quite the swimsuit collection! She's so adorable!! Glad you've settled into a great summer routine!
