Friday, April 11, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday friends! I am looking forward to getting some sleep this weekend and playing with my girl. 

1. Madison is really starting to figure out how to move! Just this week she has been army crawling across the floor towards her toys. She will go about 5-6 feet. It is so cute! I can't get the video to upload for some reason. 

2. We have been taking advantage of our nice spring weather while it lasts and have done a lot of backyard swinging this week. Madison loves her swing from Lolli and Pops! 

3. I always know when Madison has been doing art projects at school...

I thought her feet were very dirty, but turns out it is paint. We scrubbed those tootsies a little extra last night!

4. Last Friday, we went to dinner with The Cottrell's. These girls can make Madison laugh like no other! Kathryn and Madison go to the same day care, so I can always count on them to check on my girl when they pick up Kathryn. 

5. We have a sitter! Madison even looks a  little surprised. She turned 7 months this past Sunday. Hopefully this weekend we will get her 7 month pictures taken!

1 comment:

  1. It's so cute once they start to move around. Enjoy this stage. Because once they start moving they don't stop. I know Savanna will be walking before she is a year old. Have a great weekend!
