Friday, January 17, 2014

{Five on Friday}

Happy Friday friends!  It has been such a busy week for me at work.  I am looking forward to getting to spend some good family time this weekend with Eric and Madison.


{One} I finally got Madison's 4 month birthday post together.  I may be 10 days late, but I found some time to download pictures.  Her 4 month pictures turned out adorable!  Eric had the idea to take some outside and they look wonderful.  She looks like cotton candy in all her pictures. Here is the link to read all about her 4 month birthday.

{Two}  We have 4 different birthdays for people we love within the same week, so there is a lot of celebrating to be had this month!  Happy Birthday to Leslie, Brandi, Tripp and Nana!  We are celebrating Leslie and Nana's birthday this weekend.  We have to miss Tripp's 2nd birthday party, but look forward to making a trip to Louisiana in the next few weeks to see them. 

{Three} Since I leave for work earlier than Eric, he spends time with Madison in the morning and takes her to daycare.  I love the time they get to have together in the morning.  Each day he sends me a picture of what she is wearing.  The pictures crack me up because half she always looks unsure or has a crazy face.  Here are some of her recent outfit of the day pictures.

{Four} For the past week, Eric and I have been following a Dr. Oz meal plan to cut out wheat and dairy from our diet. Eric and I originally heard about this on Holly Stanfield's blog.  I told Eric about it that night and we watched the Dr. Oz episode from earlier in the week where he explained the plan.  As soon as it was over, Eric went to the store to get a couple things that we didn't have.  While this is not something we plan to do long term, we wanted to give it a try and see how we felt.  We are a week in and it is going well!  We both lost exactly 6 pounds the first week.  The first 2 days were rough...headaches and no energy were the biggest side effects.  We later learned it was a "wheat detox".  We have been following the plan pretty closely and plan to continue it for the most part.  We decided to allow ourselves to have certain things we like every now and then so we don't get burned out.  I miss cheese, milk and peanut butter toast...I have gone 8 days without peanut butter toast for breakfast and can't wait to have some Saturday morning. 

{Five} Last night I went to Toy's R Us at 9:00pm in my pajamas...we will save that story until next week.  :)


  1. I can't imagine cutting dairy from my diet but good for you guys and yay for he weight loss!

  2. Her four month old pictures are too cute! And that's too cute that he sends you those cities everyday. You have such a cute blog!

  3. That's so cute that he sends you a picture of her outfit for the day!
